Westende Junior School Local Advisory Board
The role of the Local Advisors
Each school within The Circle Trust has its own Local Advisory Board, which works closely with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in a strategic role.
The Westende Junior School Local Advisory Board consists of appointed individuals representing parents, teaching staff and the wider community, who support the School’s aims and objectives, and the setting of targets to achieve whole-school improvement.
The Local Advisory Board acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher by providing challenge, advice and support.
Our Local Advisors are all volunteers who give their time and expertise free of charge.
The Chair of the Local Advisors, Molli Cleaver, can be contacted on mcleaver@thecircletrust.co.uk or via the school address. You can contact any member of the Local Advisory Board via the Governance Officer by emailing: westendegovernanceofficer@thecircletrust.co.uk or by the School Office on 0118 978 6682